Blastman has been a reliable supplier of automatic blast cleaning solutions since 1997, and there are a total of 16 robots delivered.
1st delivery in 1997, 2 B20 robots and 2 B16 robots
2nd delivery in 2004, 2 B20 robots and 2 B16 robots
3rd delivery in 2014, 2 B20 robots
4th delivery in 2016, 2 B16 robots
5th delivery in 2019, 2 B20S robots, 2 B16XS robots

During the design and construction of the plant, it was decided to use Blastman blasting robots in the surface treatment lines. After production started in 2012 they soon discovered the benefits of automated blast cleaning and the manual chamber was also equipped with Blastman robots in 2013. A total of 8 robots have been installed in the plant. The Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant JSC plant began its production in 2010 and has produced over 100 000 railway cars of various types.

Blastman has supplied blast cleaning solutions to blast clean hopper car interiors and exteriors. There have been two B20CX robot deliveries in 2018 and in 2020. The third solution is a B20S7 robot for hopper car interior blasting.

The first Blastman delivery for VR Group was in 1990 which contained two wall-mounted Blastman robots. After 17 years they wanted to modernize their robotic system together with Blastman. A second modernization was made in 2014 to further extend the lifetime of the now 30-year-old robots.
”We’ve been using Blastman Robotics at our facility for over 20 years. Our original robots held up to near-constant use for over 15 years in the extremely harsh blasting environment and most recently we have upgraded to the newer servo models. These robots have allowed us to continue our high production rates as well as maintaining quality and efficiency in our blasting process. Their support staff has been extremely helpful in troubleshooting any issues, allowing us to keep production downtime to a minimum. We would recommend Blastman robotics for anyone’s blasting needs. ”
Matt Leahy, National Steel Car, USA
"After the plant was launched, we started the operation of the first Blastman blasting chamber with 4 robots. After a year of production, it became obvious that the implementation of the production program of the plant is only possible with the use of robotic blasting technology. Therefore, 4 more Blastman robots were purchased. Thus, at present, the plant successfully operates 8 Blastman robots: 4 gantry-type B20S robots and 4 wall-mounted B16 robots.
The robots are used both for cleaning the outer and the inner surfaces of railway cars. The plant has achieved unique performance indicators. Thus, an open car is cleaned by 4 robots in less than 30 minutes. The robots meet all our requirements ensuring consistent high quality of the surface treatment of the railway cars. We have been operating the Blastman blasting chambers and robots for the 10th year in a non-stop mode 24/7.
Blastman Robotics and its subsidiary Blastman LLC provide fast and efficient technical support and supply of spare parts ensuring reliable operation of the robotic equipment and the entire technological process of cleaning and painting the railway cars. Blastman is an important and reliable partner for us.”
A.P. Zagumennykh Chief Engineer, Tikhvin Railway Car Building Plant JSC, Russia
” Through our years of using Blastman robots, we have been able to maintain our existing workforce and keep our workers happy. Currently, we’re facing a situation where blast cleaners are retiring due to their age, instead of leaving for health issues. This is a first in our history. Blastman robots have also allowed us to keep our production efficiency and our quality at the highest level.”
Juhani Uimonen, VR, Finland
Our references include:
- Finnish State Railways Oy, Finland
- GATX, Hearne, Texas
- Freight Car America, Cherokee, Alabama
- UTLX, Cleveland, USA
- Union Tank Car, Texarkana, Arkans, USA
- National Alabama Corporation, USA
- National Steel Car, Canada
- Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala, India
- Randon Implementos, Brazil
- SFAT, Rjazan, Russia
- Torzhok Wagon Factory, Russia
- Union Pacific, USA
- United Wagon Company, Russia
- Vertex, USA
- Vitebsk Depo, Belarus
- Alstom LHB, Germany
- Bombardier Transportation, Germany
- NSB, Norway
- Siemens SGP, Austria
- Waggonbau Dessau, Germany
- MPS, Russia
- Alstom Ferroviaria S.p.A., Italy
Rail Rolling Stock – Freight Cars
The painting quality of freight cars is very critical because the car is directly exposed to transport and weather conditions. The exterior paint job gets hit by stones, dust, and sand constantly, damaging the paint and possibly peeling poorly adhered sections.
Also, the interior coating quality is crucial since it is often measured and needs to be in accordance with national or international standards. The interior coating also wears over time as the contents of the freight car are loaded and unloaded. Often the materials transported can be corrosive themselves, putting an extra strain on the interior coating.
The Blastman automatic robot is able to blast clean the interior and exterior surfaces of train cars while providing consistent surface quality for every part of the surface. Constant and high-quality surface treatment is essential, since 80 % of all paint, and other coating, failures are caused by poor surface pre-treatment. High-quality surface treatment prior to coating ensures excellent adhesion between the coating and the metal surface.
A mechanically strong paint film also prolongs the lifetime of a freight car. Often manufacturers are required to give a warranty for the exterior paint job and interior coating. To ensure the coating lasts for a long time, proper surface treatment prior to painting is required.
Products blast cleaned every day by Blastman robots:
Box cars
Hopper cars
Tank cars
Flat cars
And many more