Since the 1950s Epoke has created solutions for combating slippery roads. Blastman supplied a blasting robot in 2016 to blast clean road maintenance equipment frames and chassis. Today Epoke has an automatic blast cleaning process with high efficiency and greater safety for operators.

Blastman delivered a blast cleaning solution in 2019 to blast clean trailer beds. JLG is running the robot in automatic mode to blast clean trailers of various sizes. The robot solution has increased the efficiency of the process as well as improved the working conditions of the operators.
Our references include:
- Wielton S.A..Poland
- Oy Närko AB, Finland
- Ajo-Motor Oy, Oulu, Finland
- Aebi-Schmit, Holten, the Netherlands
- Epoke, Vejen, Denmark
The painting quality of trailer frames is very critical, because the frame, being the lowest part of the trailer, is directly exposed to the road and weather conditions. The paint job gets hit by stones, dust, and sand constantly. Additionally, salt is widely used on the roads in winter times and causes extra demanding conditions for the paint.
Typically the frames are complicated steel constructions made of various profiles in order to achieve good strength of the structure together with minimum weight.
The Blastman automatic robot is able to blast clean the complete structure providing a constant surface quality for every workpiece. Constant and high-quality surface treatment is essential since 80 % of all paint failures are caused by poor surface pre-treatment.
A mechanically strong paint film also prolongs the lifetime of a trailer. Often manufacturers are required to give a warranty for the paint job. To ensure the paint lasts for a long time, proper surface treatment prior to painting is required.
Products blast cleaned every day by Blastman robots:
Trailer buckets
Road maintenance machinery
Trailer frames