Cooperation between Blastman Robotics and Windar began in the year 2019 when Blastman was tasked to provide an automatic solution for wind turbine tower exterior surface blast cleaning to replacing manual blast cleaning.
Blastman Robotics delivered a robotic solution that significantly increased the productivity and efficiency of the blast cleaning process compared to manual blast cleaning.

Blastman has supplied Enercon with B20 and B12 robots for blasting windmill tower sections and other windmill products. Robot solutions have been delivered to Sweden and Germany. In 2019 the robot control system at Enercon Magdeburg was upgraded to extend the system lifetime. With Blastman robots, Enercon has been able to automate their blasting process and upkeep the high-quality standards of their manufacturing.

Arcosa Wind Towers, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of structural wind towers in North America. Blastman has delivered three B12S robots in 2018 to Arcosa Wind Towers, Inc. Blastman blast cleaning solution helped them to improve product quality, safety, and efficiency.

Eisengiesserei Torgelow GmbH is using a Blastman B20S robot to blast clean various foundry products, including windmill tower hubs. The robot is able to blast clean the products with high efficiency and remove the agglomerated sand from the surface.
“The Blastman robotic blasting machine produces a continuous, uniform, and high-quality blast. Blastman products have a robust design that can withstand the extreme requirements of blasting.”
Rudolf Seefeldt, Enercon, Germany
“With the Blastman B12S robot our productivity has improved, and it also enables optimizing our production planning. Now we know in advance the exact time which will be spent for exterior blasting on each piece. Furthermore, personnel can carry out other activities while the robot is working.”
-Iván Álvarez, Process Engineering Leader, Windar Renovables
Our references include:
- Windar Renovables , Aviles Asturias, Spain
- Haizea Wind, S.L., Bilpao, Spain
- Lackiererei SBV Klaus Wessling, Germany
- TBEA 4, Xinjiang, China
- EWW Group, New Jersey, USA
- Enercon Windtower Production, Malmö, Sweden
- E-towers, Glogow, Poland
- Global Castings, Guldsmedshyttan, Sweden
- Enercon, Aurich, Germany
- Metalldesign Magdeburg GmbH, Germany
- Martifer, Portugal
- Smulders Projects Belgium N.V., Belgium
- EWP Windtower Production Ab, Sweden
- Muelhahn, Windsor, Canada
- CS Wind, Campbeltown, Scotland
- Trinity, Tulsa/Newton, USA
Wind Power
Wind power plants onshore and offshore require a long-lasting and mechanically strong painted surface.
The visual appearance of large towers is very important as well as they are part of our view and environment.
Blastman fully automated robotic blast cleaning solution has been proven to be the most efficient and reliable method for surface treatment in the windmill manufacturing industry. Robotic blast cleaning provides a constant high-quality surface preparation grade and the correct roughness for the entire workpiece. The efficiency of an automatic blast cleaning robot is over tenfold compared to traditional manual blasting.
Products blast cleaned every day by Blastman robots:
Tower sections
Rotor hubs
Generator components
Generator housings